8. Copies of balance sheet and accounts together with the Directors' report, auditors’ report, notes on accounts and returns to be furnished to the Reserve Bank
(1) Every non-banking financial company accepting/holding public deposit shall deliver to the Reserve Bank of India an audited balance sheet as on the last date of each financial year and an audited profit and loss account in respect of that year as passed by the company in general meeting together with a copy of the report of the Board of Directors laid before the company in such meeting in terms of section 217(1) of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) within fifteen days of such meeting as also a copy of the report and the notes on accounts furnished by its Auditor.
Provision for submitting Auditor's Certificate
(2) Every non-banking financial company holding/accepting public deposits shall furnish to the Reserve Bank of India along with a copy of the audited balance sheet as provided in sub-paragraph (1) above, a copy of the Auditor’s report to the Board of Directors and a certificate from its auditor, to the effect that the full amount of liabilities to the depositors of the company, including interest payable thereon, are properly reflected in the balance sheet, and that the company is in a position to meet the amount of such liabilities to the depositors.
Returns to be submitted to the Reserve Bank of India
(3) Every non-banking financial company holding/accepting public deposits shall submit to the Reserve Bank of India a return furnishing the information specified in the First Schedule hereto, with reference to its financial position as on the date specified in the said Schedule:
53[provided that with effect from June 30, 2011 such return shall be submitted quarterly online in the format available on https://cosmos.rbi.org.in, within a period of 15 days from the close of the quarter.]
(4) Every non-banking financial company shall, not later than one month from the occurrence of any change in the following matters, shall intimate to the Reserve Bank of India: -
(i) the complete postal address, telephone number/s and fax number/s of the registered/corporate office;
(ii) the names and residential addresses of the directors of the company;
(iii) the names and the official designations of its principal officers;
(iv) the specimen signatures of the officers authorised to sign on behalf of the company; and
(v) the names and office address of the auditors of the company.
Balance sheet, returns, etc. to be submitted to the Department of Non-Banking Supervision
(5) Any balance sheets, returns or information or intimation or statement required to be submitted or furnished to the Reserve Bank of India in pursuance of these directions shall be submitted or furnished to the Regional Office of the Department of Non-Banking Supervision of the Reserve Bank of India within whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is situated, as specified in the Second Schedule hereto.
53 Inserted vide Notification No. DNBS.230/CGM (US)-2011 Dated September 22, 2011